Monday, September 5, 2011

Delayed Thoughts

Weight: 30x

So the detox on juice moment passed. I made it until Sunday at dinner. I wound up spending most of Saturday and Sunday with a miserable headache and a general lethergy I just wasn't prepared for. I can see why this takes more mental power than I was ready for. I could commit to the idea of juice for meals, I could commit to the idea that this is good for my health, but I couldn't really do it all at this time. The lack of caffeine was killer, the lack of the things I loved hard, and the lack of energy when I'm still fighting to get my life together was too much.

I still agree the detox is good. I will do that again, with more preparation. I *adore* grapefruit juice.

John eating around me didn't help. I realize more and more what they meant in weight watchers and everything I've ever tried that it's only harder when it's one half of a couple working at it. It's not that I think john did anything wrong, or that I couldn't do it without him, but it does add a level of difficulty to smell toasted peanut butter as your drinking spinach. It's the transition time that's hard, and it wasn't helping. Bless his heart.

So being me, it's time to move on to something else. Right on cue, work is pushing this Get Active campaign that I'm a part of. We're supposed to wear a pedometer and track our walking. I'm curious to see what comes back. I've found before that if I track things, I do tend to do better at keeping to them. My detailed nature of course leaves me without the ability to fidge things. I really really hope I don't come back as sedentary on the first day.

With this I'll try to continue to be better. I'm not buying anymore processed food, and trying to rid the house of what I have already. I won't waste food, but I can certainly clear out the house. I've sold or given everything else away, time to work on the last part of things that's messed up.

I must not have Mexican three nights a week... must resist the YUMbo.

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